
Sustainable Access to Finance for Enabling Entrepreneurship

The SAFEE program aims to transform access to finance for women- and youth-led enterprises, driving financial inclusion and creating job opportunities for young people. With a US$ 75 million transitional liquidity and guarantee facility, along with a US$ 25 million technical assistance facility, SAFEE deploys innovative, data-driven credit scoring technology solutions to unlock up to US$ 300 million from six banks. This will enable more than 477,861 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to access uncollateralized digital credit products, while providing 425,000 young women with access to mobile device financing. Over the next five years, the program is expected to create up to 2.18 million work opportunities for youth and support other initiatives to generate an additional 3.79 million opportunities.

Target Participants

SAFEE supports a diverse range of participants, ensuring that its financial solutions reach those most in need. Participants are categorized based on geographical location and gender inclusivity.  The SAFEE program focuses on rural, urban, and peri-urban areas, providing tailored financial solutions that address the unique needs of these communities. Businesses must meet essential social, environmental, and governance criteria, excluding sectors such as alcohol, tobacco, weapons manufacturing, gambling, and state ownership. 


Women-owned enterprises (80%+) are prioritized.

• Enterprises managed by women, employing a majority of women, or with a majority of women members.


Youth-owned businesses (80%+) are prioritized.

Persons Living With Disabilities

Enterprises owned by or employing a majority of persons with disabilities (10%).

Refugees & IDPs

•  Enterprises owned by refugees, IDPs, or returnees (10%).

•  Enterprises employing refugees, IDPs, or returnees.

Banks & FinTech

SAFEE collaborates with the following banking partners to drive financial inclusion:

•  Cooperative Bank of Oromia

•  Amhara Bank

• Bunna Bank

•  Enat Bank

•  Wegagen Bank

•  ZamZam Bank

Future collaborations with fintechs and microfinance institutions (MFIs) will be included as they are finalized.

Enabling Environment

SAFEE works within a robust ecosystem to promote financial inclusion, collaborating with key stakeholders such as:

Academic Institutions (local and international)

• National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE)

• Mobile Network Operators

• Financial Sector Stakeholders

• Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLS)

Additional collaborations will continue to expand as the program evolves.